6-Pole Vibratory Motors

The 1200 RPM Vibratory motors are rated for continuous duty at maximum force with force outputs ranging from 660 lbs. to 40,700 lbs. Factory preset at 100% of maximum force, all units are adjustable by a simple setting change of the eccentric weights. The heavy-duty construction guarantees a long life and excellent field performance, while the dust tight construction offers protection in many indoor and outdoor environments.

Used in a wide variety of industries such as Recycling, Mining, Food, Chemical and Manufacturing
Heavy-duty, cast-iron construction guarantees a long life and excellent field performance
Ideal for densification, screening, and feeding applications
Watertight/splashproof design allow for all weather conditions
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Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
SEE-0.1-2 BES-30-2 1/50 30 2 3-11/32" 3-7/16" 5-5/16" 1-47/64" 3-35/64" 2-3/8" 4-7/32" NA 1-37/64" 23/32" 3/32" 1-25/32" 11/32" 0.39 6
SEE-0.5-2 BES-110-2 1/25 110 7 4-19/64" 6-5/8" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.53 14
SEE-1-2 BES-220-2 1/12 220 1 4-5/32" 6-5/16" 8-15/32" 3-5/32" 5-1/8" 4-11/32" 6-5/16" 1-19/32" 1-37/64" 1-15/32" 13/32" 2-5/8" 15/32" 1.2 22
SEE-2-2 BES-440-2 1/6 440 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 9-15/32" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 1-37/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-13/16" 9/16" 1.9 30
SEE-3.5-2 BES-770-2 1/3 770 3.5 4-15/16" 7-11/16" 11-13/16" 4-21/64" 7-31/64" 5-29/32" 9-1/16" 2-3/16" 2-3/8" 2-31/32" 19/32" 3-5/16" 23/32" 2.9 45
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-0.5-2 BE-110-2 1/20 110 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-37/64" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.33 (0.15) 10
KEE-1-2 BE-220-2 1/10 220 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 8" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" NA 1-9/32" 1-9/32" 29/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.41 (0.25) 15
KEE-2-2 BE-440-2 1/5 440 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 9" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 1-31/32" 1-15/32" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.62 (0.35) 20
KEE-3.5-2 BE-770-2 1/3 770 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.1 (0.60) 35
KEE-6-2 BE-1320-2 1/2 1,250 2 4-11/32" 6-29/32" 10-7/16" 3-35/64" 5-29/32" 4-23/32" 7-3/32" 1-25/32" 2-11/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 2-15/16" 9/16" 1.6 (0.90) 55
KEE-10-2 BE-2200-2 1 2,250 3 6-11/16" 8-9/32" 13-25/32" 4-23/32" 8-21/32" 6-11/16" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 1-31/32" 1-3/8" 23/32" 3-5/8" 13/16" 2.7 (1.4) 78
KEE-16-2 BE-3520-2 1-1/2 3520 3 6-11/16" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 2-9/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/16" 1-1/32" 4.0 (2.0) 110
KEE-23-2 BE-5060-2 2-1/4 5060 3 7-1/2" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 5.6 (2.9) 140
KEE-30-2 BE-6600-2 3 6600 3 8-7/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-7/16" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 2-9/16" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.0 (3.6) 210
KEE-40-2 BE-8800-2 4 8800 3 8-7/8" 14-19/32" 22-1/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 2-9/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.8 (4.9) 290
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-1.5-4 BE-330-4 1/10 330 1 4-19/64" 5-55/64" 10" 1-9/16" 4-11/16" 2-3/4" 5-21/32" 1-9/32" 2-9/16" 1-3/16" 25/64" 2-29/64" 7/16" 0.5 (0.33) 25
KEE-3-4 BE-660-4 1/6 660 4 6-1/8" 7-3/32" 10-5/8" 3-5/32" 5-29/32" 4-11/32" 7-3/32" 1-19/32" 2-11/64" 1-3/8" 13/32" 3-5/16" 15/32" 0.8 (0.52) 35
KEE-6-4 BE-1320-4 1/3 1320 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 12-19/32" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 2-61/64" 1-19/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.2 (0.70) 50
KEE-9-4 BE-1980-4 1/2 1980 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13-3/8" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 2-61/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.7 (0.99) 70
KEE-9-4S BE-1980-4S 1/2 1980 4 8-55/64" 9-29/64" 13-63/64" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-31/64" 10-10/16" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 20/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 1.7 (0.99) 94
KEE-12-4 BE-2640-4 4/5 2640 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-3/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-9/16" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 7/8" 2.5 (1.4) 95
KEE-17-4 BE-3740-4 1-1/10 3740 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 16-17/32" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-5/32" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.0 (1.6) 125
KEE-24-4 BE-5280-4 1-1/2 5280 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 18-29/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 3-47/64" 2-3/4" 7/8" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 3.8 (2.0) 165
KEE-34-4 BE-7480-4 2 7480 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 20-7/8" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 3-47/64" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 5.0 (2.6) 245
KEE-52-4 BE-11440-4 3 11440 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 23-7/32" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 3-11/32" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.7 (4.0) 375
KEE-75-4 BE-16500-4 5 16500 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/64" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 12.3 (6.2) 495
KEE-84-4 BE-18480-4 7-1/2 18480 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 26-3/8" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-1/32" 18-1/8" NA 3-15/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.2 (9.4) 565
KEE-110-4 BE-24200-4 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 28-3/4" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 4-23/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (13) 805
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps At 230V / 460V W.T. (lbs)
KEE-3-6 BE-660-6 1/4 660 4 6-11/16" 7-11/16" 11-7/16" 3-15/16" 6-19/64" 5-1/8" 7-1/2" 1-25/32" 3-11/32" 1-9/32" 15/32" 3-5/8" 9/16" 1.1 (0.65) 49
KEE-5-6 BE-1100-6 1/2 1100 4 7-1/2" 8-9/32" 13" 4-21/64" 7-3/32" 5-29/32" 8-21/32" 2-3/16" 3-35/64" 1-31/32" 19/32" 4-1/32" 23/32" 1.9 (1.3) 71
KEE-9-6 BE-1980-6 4/5 1980 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 3-47/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.7 (1.6) 104
KEE-13-6 BE-2860-6 1-1/10 2860 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 4-9/64" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.7 (2.1) 139
KEE-18-6 BE-3960-6 1-1/2 3960 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.8 (2.7) 185
KEE-24-6 BE-5280-6 2 5280 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 19-11/16" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 6.1 (3.3) 265
KEE-34-6 BE-7480-6 3 7480 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 22-7/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 7.9 (4.2) 364
KEE-45-6 BE-9900-6 4 9900 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 24-13/16" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" 4-11/32" 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 10.8 (5.7) 448
KEE-60-6 BE-13200-6 5-1/3 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 24-13/16" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 13.4 (7.4) 567
KEE-80-6 BE-17600-6 7-1/2 17600 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-47/64" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 18.5 (10) 662
KEE-110-6 BE-24200-6 10 24200 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 29-15/16" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 27 (15) 924
KEE-140-6 BE-30800-6 12 30800 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 34-21/32" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 6-7/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (17) 1268
KEE-165-6 BE-36300-6 15 36300 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 36-39/64" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 7-5/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (20) 1389
KEE-185-6 BE-40700-6 17-1/2 40700 6 22-1/16" 22-7/16" 36-7/32" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 6-11/16" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 44 (22) 1599
Responsive Table Layout
Model Replace Model H.P. Max Force (lbs) Drawg. Ref. Dimensions Full Load Amps W.T. (lbs)
KEE-5-8 BE-1100-8 1/2 1100 4 8-7/8" 9-15/32" 14-9/16" 5-33/64" 8-21/32" 7-1/2" 10-5/8" 2-9/16" 2-61/64" 2-3/8" 23/32" 4-23/32" 13/16" 2.4 (1.5) 100
KEE-7.3-8 BE-1606-8 4/5 1606 4 9-21/32" 10-1/4" 15-3/8" 5-33/64" 9-29/64" 7-7/8" 11-13/16" 2-31/32" 3-15/16" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-1/8" 1-1/32" 3.3 (2.0) 130
KEE-10-8 BE-2200-8 1 2200 4 10-7/16" 11-1/32" 17-23/32" 5-29/32" 10-15/64" 8-9/32" 12-19/32" 3-5/32" 4-23/32" 2-3/4" 13/16" 5-19/32" 1-1/32" 4.9 (3.3) 175
KEE-20-8 BE-4400-8 2 4400 4 11-5/8" 12-19/32" 21-21/32" 6-11/16" 12-13/64" 9-15/32" 14-31/32" 3-3/4" 4-23/32" 3-11/32" 1-1/8" 6-7/32" 1-5/16" 7.5 (4.4) 300
KEE-35-8 BE-7710-8 3 7710 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 26-3/8" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 4-9/64" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 465
KEE-42-8 BE-9240-8 4 9240 4 13-19/32" 14-3/8" 28-3/4" 8-21/32" 13-25/32" 11-13/16" 16-15/16" NA 5-5/16" 3-15/16" 1-5/16" 7-9/32" 1-17/32" 9.5 (5.5) 486
KEE-60-8 BE-13200-8 5 13200 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 28-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 5-5/16" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 14.6 (8.6) 660
KEE-77-8 BE-16940-8 6 16940 5 15-9/16" 16-11/32" 32-3/4" 4-59/64" 14-31/32" 13-7/8" 18-1/8" NA 6-1/2" 4-5/32" 1-5/16" 8-9/32" 1-17/32" 15 (7.5) 803
KEE-100-8 BE-22000-8 8 22000 5 18-5/16" 18-23/32" 33-7/8" 5-33/64" 17-21/64" 14-9/16" 20-7/8" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 9-15/32" 1-25/32" 25 (15) 1070
KEE-125-8 BE-27500-8 10 27500 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 39-3/8" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-59/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 31 (18) 1420
KEE-150-8 BE-33000-8 12 33000 6 20-9/32" 20-11/16" 40-15/16" 5-33/64" 18-29/32" 20-3/32" 22-7/16" NA 8-17/64" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 10-7/16" 1-25/32" 37 (22) 1560
KEE-185-8 BE-40700-8 15 40700 6 22-1/6" 22-7/16" 39-3/4" 5-33/64" 20-15/32" 20-3/32" 24-1/32" NA 8-21/32" 4-15/16" 1-1/2" 11-7/16" 1-25/32" 43 (26) 1800
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6-Pole Vibratory Motors

The 1200 RPM Vibratory motors are rated for continuous duty at maximum force with force outputs ranging from 660 lbs. to 40,700 lbs. Factory preset at 100% of maximum force, all units are adjustable by a simple setting change of the eccentric weights. The heavy-duty construction guarantees a long life and excellent field performance, while the dust tight construction offers protection in many indoor and outdoor environments.

Used in a wide variety of industries such as Recycling, Mining, Food, Chemical and Manufacturing
Heavy-duty, cast-iron construction guarantees a long life and excellent field performance
Ideal for densification, screening, and feeding applications
Watertight/splashproof design allow for all weather conditions

Get A Quote

Use our contact form to get a quote or call BPS at 330-220-1440

What Are 6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motors?

6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motors are electric motors designed to operate at lower speeds, generating high-amplitude vibrations. Their six-pole configuration allows for slower rotation, which is perfect for applications that require gentle yet powerful vibrations to move or compact bulk materials. These motors are commonly used in equipment like feeders, compactors, and large screens, ensuring smooth and efficient operation for heavy-duty tasks.

Applications of 6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motors

The slower operating speed of 6-Pole Vibrating Motors makes them ideal for handling larger loads and fragile materials. These motors are widely used in industries such as mining for aggregate screening, in construction for compacting concrete and soil, and in recycling for sorting materials. Additionally, they are used in food processing applications to prevent material bridging and ensure consistent product flow.

Benefits of 6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motors

6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motors offer several benefits, including enhanced precision in material handling, superior durability, and low maintenance requirements. Their lower speed helps reduce wear and tear on equipment, making them a cost-effective solution for long-term use. The high amplitude vibrations are effective in breaking up compacted materials and preventing blockages, improving operational efficiency across various applications.

How to Choose the Right 6-Pole Industrial Vibrating Motor

Selecting the right 6-Pole Vibrating Motor depends on factors such as material type, load size, and application requirements. BPS provides a wide range of motors with customizable configurations to meet your specific needs. Our experts can help you choose the perfect motor for your operation, ensuring that your equipment runs smoothly and efficiently, even under the most challenging conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are best suited for 6-Pole Vibrating Motors?
6-Pole Vibrating Motors are ideal for handling heavy materials, fragile items, and large bulk solids. They’re particularly effective for compacting and moving dense or aggregated materials.
Why choose 6-Pole motors over 4-Pole or 2-Pole options?
6-Pole motors operate at a lower frequency with higher amplitude, making them perfect for applications that require powerful yet controlled vibrations for heavy or delicate materials.
Can these motors be used in harsh environments?
Yes, BPS 6-Pole Vibrating Motors are designed for rugged environments, with robust construction and weather-resistant features to ensure reliable performance in challenging conditions.
What is the typical maintenance schedule for 6-Pole Vibrating Motors?
Regular maintenance includes inspecting mounting bolts, bearings, and electrical connections. Lubrication and periodic checks ensure the motor’s longevity and consistent operation.
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